Online Classes
I just wanted to reach out and update you on COVID-19 precautions being put in place by Top Dog.
I am still holding private lessons to those who are comfortable with me coming into their homes, but if you or anyone in your household is ill or immunocompromised, please let me know. Although, as an essential employee, I am still in contact with the public almost daily, I want to assure you that I am taking appropriate precautions, such as changing clothes between home visits, diligent hand washing, and maintaining a 6ft distance to the best of my ability. I do, however, understand that many people would prefer to limit this level of public interaction in their homes during this time. For this reason I will be offering alternative class options, detailed below.
Schedule a time for our one-on-one Skype Training Session! These training calls are perfect for specific training scenarios, addressing problem behaviors, or any obscure questions you may have. Skype calls will be available for $15/30min per call.
Get access to taped lessons that can be referenced at any time! Training Videos are available for all behaviors taught in the Puppy Pre-School, Beginner Obedience, and Intermediate Obedience classes. You will receive weekly videos of behaviors that we will be working on. Training videos will be available for $25/week, plus any additional phone guidance needed to help with any questions or alternative training methods.
I am available via e-mail or phone to answer any questions. Again, I am still holding Private Classes for those that are healthy and comfortable with visitors!
Let me know if you have any questions or would like guidance on which of the three options is the best option for you.
Thank you all for your support!